Transforming Leadership to Shape the Future

Strategic Leadership Institute

P.O. Box 14137, Sinoville
Pretoria, 0129
+27 (12) 567-6512
+27 82 925 4125

Executive StrenghtsFinder Coaching


The Strategic Leadership Institute is fully accredited to provide StrengthsFinderTM assessments and coaching on three levels - individuals, teams and executive. We are therefore able to offer online strengths-assessments and expert coaching for individuals, couples, teams, partners, groups and organisations.

However, the Executive FULL34 Strengths Assessment and Coaching is tailor-made for high-impact leaders who want to improve their proficiency in developing and applying their full range of natural strengths. After completing the online StrengthsFinder assessment , you will receive a complete report on which your strengths are listed from 1 to 34. A qualified Level 3 coach will then discuss the results and implications and help you to discover the dynamics between your strengths and how you can best develop and aplly them to increase effectivity and personal satisfaction.  (Note that if you have completed the assessment before and received a TOP5 report, you will not have to do the assessment again).

Apart from the personal benefits of enrolling for Executive FULL34 coaching, this experience will also help you to improve the way in which you manage, lead and develop others. In this way you will take a major step forward in transforming your team, department or organisation into a truly strengths-based high-performance entity.


Ready to improve the way in which you lead, work, interact or communicate? Phone, send an email or visit the Contact us page.