Transforming Leadership to Shape the Future

Strategic Leadership Institute

P.O. Box 14137, Sinoville
Pretoria, 0129
+27 (12) 567-6512
+27 82 925 4125


Articles covering a wide range of topics related to leadership, communication, organizational change and strategic foresight. To see the full list of articles select from the bar on the left or simply click here.

Podcasts about leadership, neuroscience and related issues. To view select from the bar on the left or simply click here.

A selection of video clips related to leadership and natural talent (strenghts) development. We’ll soon include videos on some of our presentations and services. To view select from the bar on the left or simply click here.

A collection of inspiring, funny, controversial and even downright strange quotes about leadership. To view select from the bar on the left or simply click here.

A sample selection of powerpoint slides about various leadership-related topics from our workshops, seminars and presentations. To view select the bar on the left or simply click here.

A collection of useful templates and documents.

Ready to improve the way in which you lead, work, interact or communicate? Phone, send an email or visit the Contact us page.