Transforming Leadership to Shape the Future

Strategic Leadership Institute

P.O. Box 14137, Sinoville
Pretoria, 0129
+27 (12) 567-6512
+27 82 925 4125

We're on Twitter and Facebook

30/12/2010 16:29

With the website slowly but surely taking shape we've also launched Strategic Leadership Institute on Facebook and Twitter. The idea is to use the Facebook fan page as a forum for discussion and interaction on leadership, and also to upload resources such as articles and helpful leadership links there from time to time. The Twitter account, which already has a healthy and growing number of "followers", will serve to provide links to anything helpful and interesting on leadership, future foresight and trends that might have an impact on our future. Even more, Twitter is a great tool for horizon scanning and to keep up with the latest developments and available information in our fields of interest. For this purpose we're following tweets by several guru's in the fields of leadership and future studies, and already reaping the harvest in terms of information, interesting viewpoints and new insights.

So, if you haven't done so yet, please join  us on Facebook ( and on Twitter (!/StrategicLeader) and let's keep the interaction alive and going!

Twitter represents a collective collaboration that manifests our ability to unconsciously connect kindred voices through the experiences that move us. As such, Twitter is a human seismograph.” – Brian Solis, Principal of FutureWorks